Adding Post Processing Profiles in Unity
Adding Post Processing Profiles in Unity
In the last article, I looked at at creating Emission maps using Blender and Photoshop. Today, I’ll be diving into the Universal Render Pipeline’s post processing stack beginning with adding post processing profiles in Unity!
What is Post Processing?
Post Processing is the process of applying adjustments and effects to an image after the image has been drawn by the camera but before it is rendered on screen. This is used to apply effects and adjustments to a scene which can change the feel and mood of a scene or add special effects.
How do I add Post Processing to my Unity project?
To add post processing to my Unity project, I go to the top of my Hierarchy window and click on the + Drop down icon. Then I select Volumes > Global Volume to create a new Post Processing Volume that is global to the entire scene.
Next I need to create a Post Processing Profile. To do this, I click on my newly created Global Volume object in the Hierarchy window and in the Inspector window I click the New button next to the Profile option.
Lastly, I need to make sure that post processing is enabled on my Main Camera. I do this by clicking on my Main Camera in the Hierarchy window and, under the Camera component, I make sure the Post Processing check box is checked.
Now that I’ve added Post Processing to my project I can begin to enable different post processing effects by clicking on the Global Volume in my Hierarchy, then in the inspector window clicking on the Add Override button and selecting various post processing effects from the menu.
Next Time!
In this article, I looked at adding Post Processing profiles in Unity. Next time, I’ll be diving What occlusion culling is and why it can improve the performance of my game! If you enjoyed this article, or want to come along with me as I progress on my journey, follow me at